Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm effing happy right now.
PS, did i ever say i love unity? ILOVEUNITYforthetimebeing.
Loves, Xinying.
Screams again!
"Set your goals high, and don't stop till you get there"
A team of GIRLS.
We play hard. We love netball. we kick ass.
working hard to our dreams. trying to obtain
top 4 for west zone and enter nationals
many things happens here. quarrels, tears and others you can think of. But we stick together as a
team, an unchanged fact.
"All the talent in the world wont take you anywhere without your teammates."
Trainings from start of the year
Every Tues, Wed(physical) and Friday.
Time: 3.30 to 5.30pm.
Important Notices
We might be changing jersey so give your ideas! (:
Saturday, September 13, 2008

I'm effing happy right now.
PS, did i ever say i love unity? ILOVEUNITYforthetimebeing.
Loves, Xinying.
Screams again!